Calling All Rookies
April 1, 2022
Calling All Rookies
Get In The Game with this adult hockey program from Foundry Hockey.
Been watching a lot of NHL on TNT lately? Maybe you’re a season ticket holder at your buddy’s beer league games? Or maybe you’ve been chompin’ at the bit to get out there for some stick and puck?
Well what if we told you that we could help you get in the game?
Get In The Game by Foundry Hockey is the largest adult learn-to-play program in the United States. And guess what…it’s headed your way!
Whether you’re looking to play some Saturday morning pickup or take on a post-work beer league, Get In The Game will teach you everything you need to know to hop the boards and get in on the action. Designed with rookies in mind, this adult program will provide you with the confidence you need to go out and play the game.
Seriously, it doesn’t matter how much or how little hockey experience you’ve got. Get In The Game sessions will teach you everything you need to know, from the ground up! The first few weeks of the program will start with basics, like skating, passing, and shooting. By the end of Week 8, you’ll play in a full-fledged game, with a clock, refs, line changes – the whole shabang!
Here’s what you can expect your training regimen to look like:
Week 1: Get your skates on the ice. Learn how to stop, turn, skate backward, and more.
Week 2: Puck Time. We’ll go over stickhandling and shooting.
Week 3: Shooting. Learn how to aim, shoot, and score.
Week 4: Rules of the Game. Learn all about icing, off sides, and more.
Week 5: Body Contact. Master the obstacle course and learn the basics of checking.
Week 6: Moving and Passing. You’ll tie together everything you’ve learned so far so you can get your groove and move with the puck.
Week 7: Hockey Drills. We’re putting in the work this week. You’ll be moving like a pro while having fun like a kid.
Week 8: Cup Game. Time to tie it all together! You’ll compete in your first hockey game with referees and a scorekeeper.
Are you ready to make the best decision of your life? Click here to register for Foundry Hockey’s Get In The Game so you can get on the ice and experience the game yourself!